Contributing to OBM

There are many ways to help up shape the future of OBM : suggesting ideas, contributing code, testing, writing documentation, or simply registering yourself as a user.

## Ideas

Contribute you ideas about OBM by [subscribing to the OBM mailing list](/node/19) and expressing yourself.

## Contributing code

This is an at least two step process :

1. first, get an access to our [git repository](/node/20),
2. than, submit a pull request to get you patch accepted (just contact us on our irc channel #obm on freenode to get a better idea on how to do that)

## Contribution agreement

Before submiting your first pull request, please [download](/media/documents/2011-07-13_accord-cadre_contributeur_accl.pdf) our contribution agreement ("accord cadre de contributeur Linagora"), sign it (two copies) and send it back to us ()) in digital format (PDF is fine), or snail mail if you prefer.

## Contribute by adding a bug report

We use [Jira]( as a bug tracker. Registering is free and your issue report will be taken care of by our R&D team.

Please take the time to search our database for a similar occurrence. If you find one and think you have valuable complementary information which could help us, simply add a comment to the issue, otherwise add a “me too” comment just to raise the priority and team awareness on the issue.

If unfortunately you've encountered a new kind of bug, read ["How to report bugs efficiently"](/content/how-report-bugs-efficiently). Depending on our priority list, we'll either integrate a fix in the next minor release, or postpone the correction for a few more releases (unless you're a registered customer, there's no guarantee of issue resolution).

If you feel like fixing the bug by yourself, you should still open an issue on the bugtracker to log the problem, and tell us about your attempt to fix it (See "Contributing code" above): we'll get back to you and provide as much help as we can !

## Writing Documentation

Once we'll get to know each other better, you will be able to ask for an editor access to our wiki (this very web site). In the meantime, you can send us documentation proposal by email. Once again, the mailing list or our irc channel are a good place to start.Compétitions - Blog running & sports amateurs - Objets connectés sportifs