System requirements
As of May 14, 2013 the latest available version is CentOS 6.4. Because of a PHP bug, it is recommanded to use OBM with an up-to-date CentOS (at least 6.3).
Hostname configuration
You need to configure the hostname (FQDN) you intend to use for the OBM virtual host in the following files:
Third-party Software
EPEL Repositories
rpm -Uvh
Database Management System
Postgres 8.x
Nothing to do here : the official CentOS/RHEL 6 repositories provide Postgres 8.4, which is supported by OBM.
If you want Postgres 9.1
For this to work, Postgres 9.1 must be the only PostgreSQL installation on this system
Repository configuration:
rpm -Uvh
yum install postgresql91-server
Additional configuration:
For seamless integration with obm-admin scripts, we create two symbolic links
ln -s /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data /var/lib/pgsql/data
ln -s /etc/init.d/postgresql-9.1 /etc/init.d/postgresql
Now run the following command:
service postgresql-9.1 initdb
We also need to change standard_conforming_strings to off in postgres configuration
cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.1/data/postgresql.conf
**standard_conforming_strings = off**
Repository Configuration
This command will fetch the rpm "release" package, which will create and maintain the yum repository file for you:
rpm -Uvh
This configuration enables the obm-stable repository by default.
For the moment, updates of the release RPM will replace your existing /etc/yum.repos.d/obm.repo and save the old one to obm.repo.orig or obm.repo.rpmsave.
OBM Installation
Please ensure you have a fully-qualified domain name.
Exemple of something you musn't have :
hostname -f
hostname: Name or service not known
If you got this message, it seems that you have a different hostname setup in /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts.
Install obm-packages
yum install obm-PostgreSQL obm-full
First Configuration Example
Launch the obm-admin script:
The script will ask you a serie of questions. Here are some basic answers.
Typical answers of obm-admin
- External URL of OBM: your host FQDN as in /etc/sysconfig/network
- LDAP Server Name: IP address of the LDAP server or
- Hosts types configuration:
- "Enable module LDAP" y
- "Enable module MAIL" y
- "Enable module SAMBA" n
- "Enable module WEB": n
- Database configuration:
- "Please enter the DataBase hostname": IP address or localhost
- "Please enter the DataBase type (MYSQL/PGSQL)": PGSQL
- "Enter the Database name": obm
- "Enter the DataBase user": obm
- "Enter the DataBase user password": obm
- System users configuration
- "LDAP password": default (enter)
- "Enter admin cyrus password": default (enter)
- "Do you want add syncrepl user?": default (no)
- OBM UI configuration
- "Choose the type of authentication": default (database)
- "The /etc/httpd/conf.d/obm.conf file already exists. Do you want to replace it?": y
- "What is the IP adress of the OBM-TOMCAT server": localhost
- "What is the IP adress of the OPUSH server": localhost
- "The slapd.conf file already exists. Do you want to replace it?": y
- "Do you want to activate syncrepl for this LDAP?": n
- "Do you want to activate SSL/TLS in LDAP ? ": n
- OBM Cyrus configuration
- "Do you want replace configuration ? ": y
- OBM postfix configuration
- "file /etc/postfix/ already exist. Do you want replace this file ? ": y
- "Please enter your relay host if you have it ": leave blank
- "Please enter your 'mynetwork' (default empty) ": leave blank
Checking your setup
check that the URL (hostname FQDN) is the same in all the following files at the end of the install
- /etc/hosts
- /etc/sysconfig/network
- /etc/httpd/conf.d/obm.conf
- /etc/obm/obm_conf.ini
Activating services on boot
chkconfig cyrus-imapd on
chkconfig obm-tomcat on
chkconfig obm-satellite on
chkconfig postgresql on
chkconfig saslauthd on
chkconfig slapd on
chkconfig obm-locator on (since OBM 2.5.6)
System Configuration Tweaks
Warning on upgrade
Upgrading OBM from a version 2.5.x to any greater one, requires the restart of some services (or a reboot). The platform will not work properly otherwise.
service obm-tomcat restart
service obm-satellite restart
You also have to run manually the database migration scripts to finish the upgrade process as explained here.
Disable SELinux
First, set it to permissive using the command-line :
setenforce 0
Also disable it in /etc/selinux/config :
sed -i s/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX\=disabled/g /etc/selinux/config
You can also fix the issue anythere there is a httpd server installed :
root@host# setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect 1
Disable IP tables
We cannot recommend those settings on a production server!
service iptables stop
chkconfig iptables off
service ip6tables stop
chkconfig ip6tables off
Disable IPv6
echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
Will be disabled on the next boot
What about oPush ?
Starting with OBM3, oPush isn't packaged with OBM so you must install it on its own. There's a dedicated documentation page available here. You may also be interested in oPush 3 release notes.
What about Imap Archive Module?
Starting with OBM 3.1, the Imap archive package is a new package installed with a obm-full (read the annoucement). Once installed you must configure imap archive and cyrus. Don't panic, there's a dedicated documentation page available here.
Known issues
You may read this, which describes known issues with obm installation and functionalities.
Now that your installation is done, take a quick look at our Getting Started web page !